Journal Prompts for Confidence: Self-Esteem Through Reflection

If you’ve missed out on a great opportunity due to a lack of confidence, you’re not alone. The truth is, being anxious or nervous is normal. However, it can become a concern if it develops into self-sabotage. While therapy can assist in delving deeper into such behavioral issues, it may not always be readily available. The responsibility then lies on your shoulder. You can’t always blame others, can you? Journaling is the answer. It is recommended by mental health professionals, self-help gurus, and spiritualists due to its transformational benefits. But how do you use this cognitive behavioral technique? Are there journal prompts for confidence you can follow? We’ll discuss all the nitty gritty details in this article. 

Grab your journal and pen as we begin exploring your psyche! 

Why Is Journaling Good for Self-Esteem? 

A study by Lundberg and Karen about confidence in nursing students stated that “Both capable and incapable students can experience lack of confidence because individuals are typically guided by their beliefs and perceptions rather than reality”. 

While you might not be a health science student, the rule still applies. And what did the authors propose as an effective medium to resolve this problem? None other than the art of journaling! 

journal prompts for building confidence

But what makes this expression of random thoughts on paper such an effective confidence-building strategy? Journaling allows you to: 

  • Know and understand yourself.
  • Assess and analyze your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Process the emotions that are holding you down.
  • Look at a situation from several perspectives.

This further allows you to:

  • Set the necessary goals for self-improvement.
  • Learn what you have been doing wrong.
  • Make the changes as per your newfound knowledge. 

This is the journey to self-actualization. It may be lonely, but it is worth embarking on. So, journaling helps you improve: 

It makes you aware of the internal monologue you’ve been telling yourself. Rectifying your mistakes is only easy when you know what you’re doing wrong. Once you start: 

  • Incorporating journal prompts for confidence in your routine.
  • Processing your emotions.
  • Improving your emotional intelligence. 
  • Building a better work ethic. 
  • Forming better and healthier relationships with yourself and those around you.
  • And working on becoming a better individual.

The results become apparent. You begin to feel better about yourself and achieve your goals. Your self-esteem improves on its own.

journal prompts for building self confidence

How Do You Start a Confidence Journal? 

Now that we have established the effectiveness of journaling for emotional and mental problems, let’s get to the practical aspect: how do you even start writing journal prompts for confidence? Well, that’s easy. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how you can do that: 

Get a Physical or E-Journal

Decide which one seems more convenient to you. Weigh the pros and cons of both. For example, while a digital journal may seem more portable, it also entails more distractions. This choice is subjective and up to your personal preferences. 

Write Whatever Comes to Mind

Remember that journaling does not entail any restrictions on its content. The expression of your unfiltered thoughts is the primary purpose here. Just sit with your preferred medium of journaling and let it all out. 

Find Prompts When You Run Out of Ideas

At some level, it is impossible to stay motivated all the time. We recommend using journal prompts for confidence when you don’t know what to write. It does not matter what type of theme you want to pursue. 

Maybe you’re a parent trying to connect with your child or teen. There are prompts available for all sorts of topics. Other areas include dream journals, goal setting and acquisition, daily journal prompts, and travel journals

Establish a Writing Routine 

Establishing a routine will help you become consistent with your journaling journey. So, what time do you feel most active? What is your sleeping schedule? What do you do during the day? Go through your daily timetable and decide the most suitable time for you. 

Be as Creative as You Want

Do you feel like randomly doodling during your writing session? Do it. Want to paste cute stickers to decorate your entry? Go for it. There are no constraints on what you can do. Unleash that creative potential. This is what journaling is for. 

How Do You Build Confidence in Your Journal? 

So, maybe you have been journaling for a while, but you don’t think it’s working. What do you do then? Here are some tips you can follow to minimize uncertainties and increase confidence in your journal. 

Relinquish Doubts   

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it is essential. We often quit writing because we think our writing is not nuanced enough. Remember: the purpose of journaling is not to write a perfect essay. 

No one will read and mark it. So, let those creative juices flow without constraints. No one is going to judge it. 

Don’t Hold Back 

Even if you think an emotion seems immoral, learn to practice authenticity. Learning self-confidence also entails a radical acceptance of the “bad” parts of ourselves. 

Once you have accepted it as it is, you can work on improving it. You got this. We believe in you.

Put That Inner Critic on Hold 

You don’t need to start editing your journal while you’re still writing it. Just because your inner voice says, you can’t do it doesn’t mean it’s true. 

So, don’t believe everything your mind tells you. This will be one of the most transformative lessons you’ll learn as you continue to journal. 

Find Creative Ways for Personalization

Your journal is your safe space. So, it ought to have a touch of personalization, right? It’s all about your thoughts, feelings, emotions, plans, dreams, and ambitions. 

So, feel free to personalize it through stickers, markers, art, collages, quotes, or whatever you love. You’ll gravitate towards journaling more easily when you see a part of yourself in it. 

Learn to Enjoy the Process  

Unless you learn to find joy in the journey, the destination will seem much farther than it is. So, let go of limiting beliefs while journaling. Take deep breaths, and reward yourself when you’re finished. 

You’ve come a long way from who you used to be. And we’re proud of you for coming so far. It’s time for a break now. Remember, journaling shouldn’t be a chore. It’s a way to take a break from daily monotony. So go ahead and spill it all out.

10 Journal Prompts for Confidence 

So, you’ve come this far yet still don’t know what to write. Don’t worry. We’ve got your back. Here is a list of our top ten journal prompts for confidence you can follow for a better self-image, awareness, and love.  

  1. Who would you regard as the most confident person in your life? Describe their quirks and characteristics in detail. 
  1. What do you think ‘failure’ is? Then think of your biggest failure. Are there any insights that you learned from it? 
  1. Make a list of five compliments you wish someone would give to you.
  1. What do you love most about your physical characteristics? 
  1. What do you love most about your personality?
  1. What is a skill, hobby, or person you would pursue if you didn’t consider failure?
  1. What is the first thing you said to yourself this morning? Would you say it to someone you loved?
  1. Do you compare yourself with others? How does this habit affect your life?
  1. Does your ideal self hang out with the same friends you have right now? Why or why not?
  1. What is something you feel proud of right now?

Feel your mind shift, adapt, and evolve as you work on these prompts. Think of the adoration your future self must be looking at you with. 

Trust it to pave your way as you open yourself to opportunities. And while a better future is still loading, let’s consider reading some amazing self-help books, shall we? 

5 Book Recommendations for Building Confidence 

So, you’re looking for books to help you build better self-esteem, right? Why don’t you try some from our meticulously curated list?

Here are our must-have book recommendations for building deep confidence and self-love that will last a lifetime. Remember, we don’t use temporary band-aids here. The wound must be treated from the root. But how do you do that? 

Well, that’s easy. You choose whichever book resonates with you the most from the list below: 

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden

Described as “Brilliant, laser-focused, and critically relevant” by Dennis Waitley, this book is a must-read if you want to understand and develop systems that directly affect self-esteem. 

Ranging from the workplace, education, parenting, psychotherapy, and societal structures in general. This book illustrates the effects of a healthy and stable sense of self in each of those domains. 

The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living by Dalai Lama

If you’re looking for a book that describes the role of happiness as the core purpose of our existence, this book will be the one for you. Written by the spiritual leader and Nobel Prize winner Dalai Lama, the book will help you conquer the problems you might face every day. 

It provides information on the root causes and coping mechanisms for anxiety, depression, anger, and insecurities. It is also worth mentioning that it contains actual conversations the Dalai Lama had with people in his life. 

I Am Enough by Grace Byers

If you’re looking for a book to gift a 3-7-year-old kid, look no further than this #1 New York Times bestseller and Goodreads Choice Awards picture book winner. The book follows the theme of loving, accepting, and respecting yourself and those around you.

“We are all here for a purpose”, Empire actor and activist Grace Byers emphasizes in the book. She said, “We are more than enough, we just need to believe it”. Pretty great things to instill in the minds of the future generation from an early age, right? 

The Real Rules for Girls by Mindy Morgenstern

Whoever says the life of a teenage girl is easy is probably neither a teen nor a girl. Simultaneously navigating through hormonal fluctuations, mood swings, and middle school? It’s tough out there, right?

Well, this book makes it easier. It will tell you all you need to know about girl problems. Packed with quotes from strong women such as Maya Angelou and Liz Phair, it’ll also inform you of fierce women who stood against the storm and did it with style.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

If you’re looking for a book that will allow you to shift your internal narrative from negative to positive, this book should be on the top of your list. An international bestseller with over five million copies in print, it illustrates the effects of your thoughts-turned-beliefs and how you can utilize them in a way that doesn’t lead to self-sabotage.

It will teach you the determination, faith, perseverance, will, and power needed to go after your dreams and goals. It will also serve as a practical guide for being empathic towards yourself, forming a healthier self-image, and building better relationships with those around you.  

Final Thoughts 

So, now that you’ve reached the end, what realistic goals do you intend to implement? Were you following any journal prompts for confidence before this article? Which one from our list do you aim to write about first? Do not forget to let us know in the comment section below. 

And remember: confidence is an up-and-down line through the graph of life. It’s not linear, and any attempt to make it so will only lead to frustration. 

So, take a deep breath and grab that journal and pen. Sit in the warm sunlight or bask in the moonlit glow. Your thoughts and expressions matter. Your life is valuable, and we will ensure you record the good and the bad that it entails. 

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