Journaling 101: Easy Journal Prompts for Beginners

If you follow self-help trends on social media, you might have heard about journaling. Motivational speakers are raving about its importance, and we could not agree more. Journaling paired with self-reflection and planning is a recipe for success. But while this seems ideal, journaling can be frustrating for a beginner. For starters, what do you write about, and for how long? You’re bound to get bored after a while, and finding a routine that suits you can take years. Therefore, we have curated this article based on numerous people’s experiences. Keep reading as we discuss everything you need to know about journal prompts for beginners.  

It’s time to pick up your journal and pen. Let’s get started! 

What Should a Beginner Write About in Their Journal?

If you’re a beginner, you have numerous topics to choose from. Paradoxically, these numerous choices can confuse you. Since you have many areas to explore, which one should you navigate first? 

The answer is to go with whichever theme you want. But, narrowing your options to one theme is a challenge. Thus, we have compiled an array of journal prompts for beginners to get you started. You can write about the following topics:

Write About the Past  

Writing about our childhood can be a great way to familiarize ourselves with our inner child. Journal prompts for beginners can help us ascertain the impact of certain events. 

  • An overview of your childhood. What do you think is the most integral memory that still follows you?
  • What is one incident that you did not like as a child? How did it shape you into an adult?
  • How do you replenish your inner child? Is there something you want to incorporate into your routine? How can you do that? 
best journal prompts for beginners

Write About the Present Moment

Learning to live in the present is one of the best things you can do for yourself. 

  • Take a look at your surroundings. Write about what you see.
  • Do I like the person that I am right now? List three things you love about yourself and three you want to improve. 
  • Sit quietly and take a deep breath. Write about people that made you feel loved and supported. Now imagine they are standing in front of you, face to face. Is there something you’d like to say to them?

Write to Your Future Self

Thinking about the future from an anxiety-ridden lens can feel unfulfilling. But writing your dreams and turning them into executable goals can help you achieve them.

  • Think about your ideal life. What do you do for work, and how does it feel? What can you do to achieve it?
  • List three things that you are looking forward to. 
  • What is a negative coping mechanism that you have? How can you turn it into self-compassion?

Write About Your Fears 

Being scared of something is normal. However, we can safely expose ourselves to our fears through journal prompts for beginners. This will reduce the impact associated with your fears.

  • What is one thing that you wish never happens to you? Where does this avoidance stem from?
  • Have my fears ever helped me navigate through any problems? How did it turn out?
  • What would my older self say to me about my fears?
journaling prompts for beginners

Express Gratitude

One of the drawbacks of a capitalist society is the constant emphasis on hustle and productivity. To be more present and content, we should accommodate our hard work with consistent gratitude

  • Take in a deep breath. What are three things you’re most grateful for at this moment?
  • Write about a friend to whom you want to express gratitude. 
  • Is there a past failure that you’re now grateful for?

What’s the Difference Between a Journal and a Diary?

While the terms ‘journal’ and ‘diary’ are considered interchangeable, there are a few differences between the two. Here are the main differences between a journal and a diary:


The purpose of a diary is to record a specific type of data in chronological order. That is why most have an inbuilt calendar where each page represents a date. 

A journal is where you write personal thoughts, feelings, and insights as they come. The purpose isn’t to record everyday events here. It is merely the expression of ideas, emotions, and observations. 

In other words, while a diary may record day-to-day occurrences, a journal has a bird’s eye view of your overall state and plans. 

Format / Arrangement of Ideas

A diary has a distinct format. There will be a date on the top left or right of a page. It has a marked chronological recording of events. You cannot change it around as this will ruin its purpose: the regular tracking of events as time passes. 

This is not true for a journal. You can write anything you want. The day-by-day sequential tracking of data has zero relevance here. 

In simple words, a diary follows a fixed chronological format, whereas a journal does not go by a calendar. It can be as random as you want. 


The tone of a diary is more formal than that of a journal. It records days as they pass by. These may include important dates and what happened on those particular days. 

On the other hand, a journal is more informal. It is a place for innermost thoughts, ideas, feelings, and observations. You can be as transparent as you want. The purpose here is to delve inside your psyche to gain better self-awareness.

How Do You Start a Journal for Beginners?

Journaling can be hard to get into, but it’s not impossible. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do it:

Imperfection is Expected

Stop letting the fear of imperfection get in your way. Being overly self-critical can make even the most exciting tasks feel like a chore. Thus, it’s important to remember that you’re merely journaling for fun. Take out your notebook. Stop thinking and start writing. 

Find a Routine That Suits You

Making small yet consistent steps is the key to forming a habit. Instead of planning a drastic change and potentially failing, start with something easy. When do you feel more relaxed? Is it in the morning or the evening? Do you want to journal daily or once a week? Find a time that suits you and stick to it. 


Adding a sense of personalization and uniqueness to your journal can condition your mind to enjoy journaling. We like adding essential weekly planner stickers to make our journals colorful and bright. 

Moreover, combining them with creative sharpie markers helps us find our sense of style. Remember, a journal is not a formal document. You’re allowed to be as creative as you want. 

Use Journal Prompts for Beginners

This one is self-explanatory. Finding creative and interesting prompts is an easy way to stay consistent. We’ve mentioned many prompts already, but there are also numerous ones listed below. Continue reading to find one that resonates with you!

What Are Some Interesting Journal Topics?

Interesting journal prompts for beginners can make writing much more enjoyable. If you want to work on a particular aspect, here is a list of topic-based prompts you can follow:


Journal prompts can be a great way to learn more about yourself. Through self-awareness, you can understand what holds meaning for you. This can alter the course of your life drastically. 

  • What have I learned about myself in the past five years? 
  • How do I feel when I’m alone? How is that different from when I’m with people?
  • I feel more like myself when I am ______. 
great journal prompts for beginners


Unlearning negative thought patterns can help you learn self-compassion. The first step here is to remind yourself of all the qualities you possess. 

  • Write a letter to yourself where you reminisce about all your achievements. Make a note to include how proud you are of the person you have become. 
  • What is one thought that makes you feel frustrated? Write a positive affirmation and repeat it the next time you feel that way. 
  • What is something I can include in my routine to make myself feel more loved?

Work and Career

Work and career are an integral part of one’s life. Finding work that you find meaningful can make you feel fulfilled not only financially but emotionally as well. 

  • What does my ideal job look like?
  • Is there something that holds me back from going after my dream life? How can I cross over these hurdles?
  • What are some traits that can help me maximize my productivity? What are some steps I can take to embody them?

Love and relationships

Love and relationships play a significant role in our lives. Even a black and white day can feel bright and luminescent with the right people. Thus, we must introspect on how we approach relationships and work on improving this aspect of our lives. 

  • What does a healthy relationship look like for you?
  • What are three traits you prioritize in your relationships? Why are they important to you?
  • Do you have anything stopping you from feeling loved? Where does it stem from? 

10 Journal Prompts for Beginners

Looking for journal prompts for beginners? Don’t worry. We have got you sorted. Here are ten easy prompts that will get those neurons firing:

  1. What was the last dream you had? 
  2. If I could be anywhere right now, I would be in _______. This is because _______. 
  3. What are three things you feel grateful for today?
  4. What are three words that you think describe you best?
  5. What is one thing you’re not an expert at but like doing anyway? How does it make you feel?
  6. Name one person that inspires you. How do they do that?
  7. I like it when I _______. 
  8. Note 5 things that made you smile this week. 
  9. Take a breath and listen to the various sounds in your surroundings. What are they, and how do they make you feel?
  10. Describe a moment you’ll never forget. What makes it unforgettable?

Creative Journal Ideas for Beginners

One of our favorite perks of journaling is that you can be as creative as you want. If the usual journaling prompts are too monotonous for you, do not worry. Here are ten creative prompts for beginners that are guaranteed to keep those creative juices flowing:

  1. You’re getting an award for a life-changing invention. What did you invent, and how did it help you change the world? 
  2. If you could transform yourself into an animal, what would you be? And why?
  3. You can go into the past and potentially alter the course of your life. Do you change what happens? Why or why not?
  4. Make a futuristic world where everything is possible. What are the first three things you can do here? Can you still experience them in the real world?
  5. If you could be successful in a particular field, what would it be?
  6. If you could bring any fictional character to life, who would it be? Why?
  7. Do you think if your favorite fictional character were real that you would be friends with them? Why or why not?
  8. What would the human soul look like if it were something tangible? 
  9. If you could embrace any characteristic, which one would it be? 
  10. Imagine one of your paintings can come to life. What or who do you draw?

Final Thoughts

Journaling is known to have mental, emotional, and even spiritual benefits. It helps you connect with yourself, your values, and your dream life. We would go as far as saying that it is a significant step you need to take for self-actualization. 

We hope you found our list of journal prompts for beginners interesting. Which one have you tried already, and which do you plan on trying out soon? Do not forget to let us know in the comment section below. 

You got this! There’s no need to be hard on yourself. Remember, consistency is the key.

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