10 Thought Provoking Journal Writing Prompts for 8th Graders

Most of us already know about the importance and efficacy of journaling. It has always been a hot topic for social media and the self-help world. Everyone has been raving about its benefits, like stress relief and emotional regulation. But what about journal prompts for 8th graders? Is it too early to introduce your teen to journaling? What are some prompts you can use to spark their creativity? We will be answering all those questions in this article. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in! 

Why Journal Prompts for 8th Graders Are Important

We already know that there are numerous benefits of mindful writing. Considering that it is already getting popular for adults in the self-help world, it’s time we introduce it to 8th graders.. 

But first, why should we do that? Why are journal prompts for middle school kids important? Let’s find out! 

  • Expression of thought improves mental health. Since journaling is a no-judgment zone, emotions no longer stay bottled up. 
  • It is an effective medium of stress relief. We might not have someone readily available every time we want to talk. However, journaling can be a way to communicate with yourself and reach conclusions. 
  • Writing about your daily routine and problems improves cognitive function. It also increases your comprehension and understanding of the world. In the long term, it enhances memory and improves problem-solving ability. 
  • Journal prompts can also strengthen goal setting and acquisition ability. Writing about one’s hopes, aspirations, and dreams is a great way to achieve them.  

Common Issues 8th Graders Are Dealing With

An individual undergoes several developmental changes as they reach middle school. These pose different physical, mental, and psychological challenges to the student.  

Therefore, when encouraging 8th graders to write in their journal, it is essential to target these problems. This is because deeper insight into their world will allow us to sympathize and help. 

But what are some common issues middle schoolers are currently dealing with? Let’s find out! 

Low Self Esteem

Elementary school is vastly different from middle school. So, it is unsurprising that tweens may struggle to reconcile the differences in a way deemed acceptable by their peers and adults. 

great journal prompts for 8th graders

They may struggle with identity issues, which may take a toll on their self-esteem. It could also result in a deep-seated need to find an answer to the question, “Who Am I?”. This can have adverse effects if the child has no one to share their thoughts with. 

It is also worth noting that two new and prominent needs surface during this time: a need for independence and the need for increased support from adults. 

These can be slightly contradictory by their very nature. So, if the child’s internal monologue does not offer enough kindness or reflect inner confidence, they may consider themselves inferior to their peers. 

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”- Theodore Roosevelt.

And he wasn’t wrong. Self-comparison means your mind is subconsciously placing others on a higher pedestal than yourself. It is unsurprising then that you start feeling inadequate about your life.  

Journal prompts for 8th graders can be an effective outlet for bottled-up feelings. They convey the idea that you don’t have to suffer the unfairness of life by yourself. It is a way to express and accept your feelings and yourself as they are.


Middle school also introduces teenagers to the world of bullying. In the Journal of Happiness Studies, about 2300 public middle school students in South Carolina, US, expressed dissatisfaction with their school life. 

Several other studies point to bullying being the underlying factor. For starters, research by Bosworth, Espelage, and Simon revealed that only 20 percent of middle school students reported no bullying. 

It is worth noting that bullying is not always just the big kid throwing the smaller one on the ground. It varies greatly and is divided into the following types:

Physical Bullying

That is the most identifiable type of bullying. It occurs when a person exerts physical power and control to dominate another individual. 

These could include hitting, kicking, punching, throwing, slapping, or other physical attacks. Kids often report having their lunch stolen or smacked from their hands.

Verbal Bullying

Verbal bullying is relatively less identifiable since it almost always occurs when an adult is not around. An individual here may verbally attack another person to insult and demean them.

best journal prompts for 8th graders

These include name-calling, slurs, prejudiced phrases, belittling statements directed at kids with special needs, etc. 

Social Bullying

That is when an individual tries to increase their social status by sabotaging that of another. 

It is typically very hidden since the victim here might not exactly know what’s going on. That is because the perpetrators here might even be friends (or frenemies). 

They may resort to teasing, ignoring, and excluding the individual from a normal and healthy social experience. 

Cyber Bullying

That is when an individual harasses, threatens, humiliates, or hurls hurtful remarks at another person online.  

According to research in 2019, about 25.5 percent of female students between the age of 12 and 18 reported being bullied online. The percentage was lower at 7.6 percent for male students.

As of January 2021, 48 states in the U.S have classified cyberbullying as a criminal offense. 

E-cigarettes and Social Media Epidemic 

Everyone has been caught up in the whirlwind of e-cigarettes and social media lately, and middle schoolers are no exception. 

According to research by John Elflein, nearly 2 million middle and high school students in the US consume flavored tobacco products. About 3.2 percent of female students were using electronic cigarettes. The percentage was slightly lower at 2.3 for male students. 

While e-cigarettes may be considered a safer and less harmful alternative to smoking, it is still important to remember that the side effects are unknown. 

Nicotine, a highly addictive substance in e-cigarettes, can harm brain development, which continues until the 20s. Therefore, middle school is not an appropriate time for self-destructive dependency. 

Now, onto the other one: Social Media. We already know this, don’t we? People of all ages find it an entertaining way to pass their time. A simple five-minute break can somehow last for 2 hours marked by a headache or sore eyes. 

According to research performed in 2018, internet usage as less as three hours per week can lead to depression and social isolation in teenagers. 

good journal prompts for 8th grade

However, it does not stop there. A poll by Kathleen Clarke-Pearson revealed that 22 percent of teenagers logged in to their preferred social media sites more than ten times a day. 

We do not condone demonizing technological advancement, but social media addiction is something that middle schoolers struggle with. 

So, how do we make it all manageable? Let’s find out! 

How to Introduce Journaling to 8th Grade Students

So, now we know the problems middle schoolers face these days. If these issues are not resolved, they may cause significant problems later in life. 

These could lead to emotional and mental anguish caused by bullying and social media. Or even the consumption of addictive substances like nicotine. 

Therapeutic techniques, such as journaling, can counter these issues. Journaling helps make emotional expression, communication of ideas, self-awareness, and goal setting much easier. 

Middle schoolers may not grasp these concepts. And they do not need to. However, as stakeholders in society, it is our responsibility to ensure they have a great life.

Here, we will learn how to introduce journaling prompts to 8th graders. The more time they spend practicing it, the more cemented the habit will become. The following techniques apply to parents and teachers alike. 

Step A: Modeling

Children are much more likely to do something if they see you doing the same. Spending time where you both express your thoughts through writing can be a great way to bond and get acquainted with the habit. 

They can choose from the journal prompts for middle school kids we will be mentioning below. On the other hand, you can follow parents’ journals for children in school or teenagers in general. 

Step B: Rewarding 

Step A should be followed by appreciation. This can consist of a physical gift or even just verbal admiration. Such compliments can go a long way in building self-esteem.

However, we do emphasize the importance of honest feedback. So, if there is an idea or thought you like, express your admiration for it. If there is a problem, help them. Make it an interactive feedback session. Your teens will love it. 

You should also check out this amazing YouTube video to learn more about journaling for students:

Getting your kid a cool journal according to their interests is also a great way to ensure consistency. We recommend the Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith. It is great for kids and is guaranteed to inspire them.

10 Great Journal Prompts for 8th Graders

“But what do I even write about” your child may complain in the initial stages. Instead of reacting to this with forceful scolding or criticism, give them journal prompts for middle school kids to make the task easier. 

1. Today, I feel proud of _____. 

This will urge them to see their day from a lens of what they achieved. Ultimately, it will target how they perceive themselves and their self-esteem. 

2. What is your favorite hobby? Why do you enjoy it? 

This will encourage them to contemplate the various activities they have been doing lately. In the long term, this targets self-awareness regarding one’s likes and dislikes.  

3. If you could have any superpower you wanted, which one would it be? How would you use it? 

This encourages them to think outside the box. The lines between possibility and impossibility are blurred for a moment to create a much more creative train of thought. 

4. What would your pet say to you if it could speak in your language? 

Again, it targets creativity and observation alike. Middle schoolers will be encouraged to observe behavior and formulate fun responses accordingly.

5. What is your favorite book? What do you love about it? 

Fascinating for book lovers, and this will encourage them to explore the plots and themes they enjoy. It will also help them dissect the various nuances of literature as per their level of awareness. 

6. The person I am closest to in my family is _____. I love them because _____. 

Looking through the lens of gratitude will enable the child to appreciate their loved ones. It may prove to be effective for expressing their adoration verbally as well. 

7. I wish I could be a _____. It would be interesting because then I would _____. 

This, again, targets creativity and sparks the imagination. The tween will think of the different roles they would be able to play if they were different. 

8. If I could travel anywhere I wanted right now, I would go to _____. 

The place here could be real or fictional. Either way, it opens them to a world of endless possibilities. What is so special about this place?

9. These days, I feel afraid to _____. I think I can overcome it if I _____. 

That targets problem identification and solving. The teen may discover healthy ways to resolve issues instead of feeling stuck. 

10. Have a conversation with your future self

What would you like to ask your future self? What would your future self want to tell you today? Is there anything that you hope your future self is doing? How did they get there or accomplish that?

Final Thoughts

Self-development does not have to stay limited to adults anymore. With our journal prompts for 8th graders, your teen will start loving the journey of creative expression. 

All you need to do is appreciate them, use it as a time to bond with them, and provide constructive feedback when necessary. 

It’s a long way ahead, and recording each conquest you face will make it even more memorable. Enjoy!

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